Wednesday, December 19, 2012

华商与经济转型系列 52:华人清真食品认证困境

企业分享, 财经周刊  2012-12-17








“Halal”“Halalan Thoyiban”的简称,它韵意着被回教法规所允许与有益的事物。它说明所有自然事物都是有益(安全,纯净,营养,品质)的,然而“Non-Halal”“Haram”

回教徒被禁止使用这类违禁品有如,酒,猪肉等等。在大马,“Halal”的食品皆由 Malaysian Standards–MS1500:2009”控制。“Halal”的食品由生产,准备,处理到收藏保鲜都有规定的方式;其它如交通,仓库,品质管理和售出,则有其它规定。

“Halal”市场在大马的发展是随着“Halal Industry Master Plan”进行。这计划分为三段;2006年至2010年为第一阶段;2011年至2015年则为第二(我们如今处在这一阶段);2016年至2020年是第三段。

在这计划里,生产特定加工食品是这计划里其中一个重要的元素,也包含一定的重要性。这些元素有:方便食品,实用食品,民族食品,合乎道德的食品以及美食。在2012121日,《商业时报》报导了关于“Halal” 市场在今年的一月至七月价值12亿,也拥有15间日本企业有意投资在这市场,这价值比预期的更高。


Halal Industry Development CorporationHDC)也报导,在欧盟国家,庞大的霸集市场商特易购Tesco)与家乐福Carefour)也开始将“Halal”食品列入他们的商品部门当中。在大马,我们有19个雇员4000人的“Halal Parks”,共有83间中小型企业和17间跨国公司营运。


此外,一些被认定为主要带动者的公司则得完成得到产品认证的任务。在这方面,“Halal Park”“Halal”食品标准是其关键经济领域成功的重要元素。

奖励吸引 但条件严苛
在大马“Halal”市场的商家们,都能享受免去期限为十年的100%合格资本支出 Qualifying Capital Expenditure)的税务或为期五年的免税出口销售(Export Sales)。

在运用于开发和生产“Halal”推广的原料方面,厂商也能获得豁免进口税和销售税。除此之外,若厂商有意得到国际品质等级,他们将在此活动消费上享有双重免税。这奖励当然少不了“Halal Park”的运营商!除此之外,“Halal” 认证的一年费用并不高;范围是从小型企业100令吉至跨国企业的700令吉。














高雅国际美容集团Clara International Beauty Group(护肤品)
●AYS Sdn.Bhd.
●Sydney Cake House Sdn.Bhd.
●BioFact Life Sdn.Bhd.
●Ecolite Biotech Manufacturing Sdn.Bhd.
●Jeen huat Foodstuffs Industries Sdn.Bhd.
●Global Abbattoir

夏伟文硕士 《大马经济网》研究员 拉曼大学高级讲师 陈薛卉 《大马经济网》 研究员 拉曼大学会计系学生 

Friday, May 4, 2012

SUHAKAM & SUARAM Press Statements on Bersih 3.0

Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia / Human Rights Commission of Malaysia's (SUHAKAM) 

Dated: 3rd May 2012

Suara Rakyat Malaysia's (SUARAM)

Press statement: "The Malaysian government must investigate police violence at Bersih rally and take major steps to overhaul a policing system that facilitates and perpetrates human rights violations!"
Dated: 30th April 2012 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Police Brutality during Bersih 3.0

The police head denied it. Najib claimed that the police are being made victims. Yet, there are numerous video clips uploaded on YouTube that show police acted brutally towards Bersih 3.0 participants. Below here are just some random clips. More reports, writings and video clips are available on YouTube, Facebook and blogs. Just google or search them.

Bersih 3.0 - Police Brutality 

Police Brutality @ Bersih 3.0

Al Jazeera crew's camera 'busted by Malaysian police' at rally

BBC News on Bersih 3.0 - Government of Malaysia Covered the News!

Brutality of Malaysian Police, there is no Human Rights in Malaysia!

Police Attack Bersih 3.0 Supporters At Leboh Pasar Besar

Latest addition... Bersih 3.0 video - Sogo & Masjid Jamek area - Follow up footages

Not to be missed is an international observers’ interim report on Bersih 3.0 rally

Malaysian EC is backward, opines fact-finding group

Together we can stop this... Let's change for a better future for Malaysia!! Hidup Rakyat!!

Bersih 3.0: The Real Unity and Humanity to Save Malaysia

A small ant is no match for a big elephant. Yet, there is a Chinese proverb saying that plenty of the former can bring down the later. Three people rallies prior to the 12th General Election, namely Reformasi, Bersih and Makkal Sakhti have brought down the mighty Barisan Nasional (BN). Unfortunately, that evil elephant is just down, not out and determined to hold on to power by hook or by crook.

Longevity is not bad as long as the government is clean and the people have their rights as granted under the Constitution of Malaysia. Sadly, this is not the case.

Corruption, misused of power and inefficiency in government have became a norm, yet high profile culprits never been successfully charged. These prompt the people to doubt the independence of police, anti corruption (MACC) and local council authorities. Highest officials from those mentioned authority bodies are appointed through the advice of Prime Minister. Thus, who would those officers serve – the people or the Prime Minister?

Corruption in Malaysia can be dated back to historical Operasi Lalang (literally “Weed Operation”) and the “1998 constitutional crisis”. Years after years nowadays, the Auditor General’s Reports detailing more and more mismanagement of public fund but where is the charges?

Have we forgotten the Lingam case? Will the Scorpene case open a can of worms on Malaysia’s corruption? Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal? How about Zakaria’s and Khir Toyo’s “palace”, corruption cases against Taib Mahmud, the alleged Rosmah’s diamond ring and NFC cow scandal? Big waves unveiling the BN government’s wrong doing being closed case by the authorities without satisfying investigation. Not to be missed are the triple mysterious death of Altantuya Shaariibu, Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbaini.

Article 10 of the Constitution of Malaysia guarantees Malaysian citizens the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association. However, all these years, Malaysian live like caged birds; being feed just enough to survive but intimidated if they demand further freedom beyond the BN cage.

Every aspect of Malaysian’s life is programmed with propaganda. Through mass media, education and Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung system, Malaysian are being brain washed on the goodness of the ruling government in contrast to the dangerous of the rebellious opposition. Racist politics are played to perfection to break-and-rule. In simple, the BN regime does what the British did to us during colonial period.

Most of us may have the ability to meet basic needs for everyday living such as food, shelter, health and protection. Yet, with increasing cost of living, housing price bubble and radioactive threat to health from Lynas operation, can our sustenance be sustainable? What has BN done to ease people burden? Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia and the one-off RM500 allowance are clearly election gimmick. Making things worse, economic crisis seem likely in European region. Malaysia’s external debt is trending upwards to about US$81.5billion in 2010 and more by now.

Fresh graduates are burdened with education (PTPTN) loan. They cannot afford to buy a house. The poorer ones may have a family to support. After graduation, the next plan could be getting married and have their own family. With competitive job market (low salary) and education debt burden, can they have comfortable living?

Thus, what wrong for students to ask for free education and waiver of PTPTN for the poor? Government spent needlessly on National Service program, sponsoring football and Formula One team. Ministry of Tourism even paid millions to set up Facebook page that can be done easily for free. Racist Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia as well as race-based parties of UMNO, MCA and MIC are conflicting images to the “1Malaysia” unity campaign, thus wasting millions spent to promote it. Those amounts of money are better channeled towards free education. 

The Occupy Dataran participants are harmless but concerned citizen fighting for a better future for current and future graduates. The powerful but heartless DBKL and police harming them is a great shame and should be condemned. Hope they and the government realize that the people will not take the risk of suffering from police brutality and other types of intimidation to join Bersih rally if they enjoyed their living and have their rights. These rallies will naturally fail if the government is good and election is fair. Hence, BN can stop them by being a good government, not by unconstitutional forces or unethical threat. If they barred Lynas from operating in this country, why would the people want to have Himpun rally?

From the Buddhism perspective, everything has its cause and effect. Corruption and suppression by the BN government are the causes. The people rallies are only the effect. Islamic teaching also condemns corruption (e.g. Al-Hadid 57: 25 and Al-Baqarah 2: 188). So do other religions or moral teaching.

Therefore, those who have peacefully joined the Bersih 3.0 are the true hero. At Bersih 3.0, participants from all races and even European mixed around in a festive atmosphere. Despite running for their live after tear gas and chemical water were fired harmfully at Bersih 3.0 participants, they keep their humanity value high by helping out each other. For instant, I was being help few times by Malays. They asked for salt for me and help me walk away as I was suddenly very weak. Later on, two very old Malay pakcik gave me salt water to wash face/eye – feeling much better after that. To my surprise, one of them is retired policeman who is now PAS member.

At the second round of police assault, those who are running away still care enough to stop to ask us to go inside. “Masuk, masuk, gas, tembak gas”, they shouted briefly but the appreciation for their concern is huge. We (many people included two reporters) were then at near Sogo on the upper floor of a hotel lobby for shelter. At that time, I thought all is over. Many just loitered around. Some look tired and rested at road side. No provocation from protesters. Before and after the tear gas, police are seen catching and scolding people around there. At there, a Chinese gal (friend of a reporter) took the initiate to find salt, then go floor by floor up the hotel to give to those who inhaled the gas. Children were crying too.

Thus, who is violent? The Bersih 3.0 shows us true unity, friendship and integration. People there do care to help each other in trouble time, which were mostly caused by police’s tear gas/chemical water. We were not only from many races, but different in age, state and background.

Let us show to the evil elephant that millions of ants CAN bring change. Let’s clean (BERSIH) the dirt of corruption. Let’s make it clear that we do NOT want Lynas in Malaysia. Let’s us change (UBAH) for a better future. Together we can save Malaysia!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wahai Dataran Merdeka...

Wahai Dataran Merdeka,
Engkau dijajah, engkau disita,
Jangan takut, jangan gentar,
Tua, muda datang BERSIH juga!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bersih/Himpun and the Bird Story

Can Bersih or Himpun save Malaysia?

It is like the "bird in a cage" story... A significant number of Malaysians have used to be the bird in a cage tailor made by BN. Of course they are feed, not many hunger birds here. But no freedom! Every aspect of life, especially through mass media and education (primary until university level) those captive birds are brain washed with pro-BN propaganda. Any angry bird that did not submit are put into dark cage though ISA or whatever new Bill that replaces it. 

More angrier and daring birds that take to the street to protest are branded negatively throughout controlled mass media. Angry birds are threaten in the form of dismissal from their job/termination of their study, possible police brutality, detention - both mentally and physically, both to themselves and their family.

Thus, the critical question is "Malaysians wish to be caged birds in comfort zone or live free with dignity?" The answer will determine the survival of Malaysia. Save Malaysia!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

“Political Volcano” in 12th Malaysian General Election: Makkal Sakhti (People Power) Against Communal Politics, “3Cs” and Marginalization of Malaysian Indian

Malaysian politic has been overwhelmingly dominated by the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition since 1969. In the 12th Malaysian General Election, the ruling coalition suffered a shocking moral defeat. This paper argue that the 12th Malaysian General Election is metaphorically a political volcano eruption, witnessing the rise of People Power against suppression of dissatisfactions over communal politics, deteriorating social-economic conditions (dubbed the “3Cs” factors) and continues marginalization of Indian community in Malaysia. Aspects of communal politics include (1) the issues of NEP, Ketuanan Melayu, racism and “second-class citizen” treatment to the Malaysian non-bumiputera, and (2) the issues of UMNO-putra politicizing the NEP and Malay poverty. The “3Cs” refers to dissatisfaction over increasing (1) cost of living, (2) crime and (3) corruption, taking the first letter of each to form the acronym. Meanwhile, the revolution by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) highlighted the marginalization of Indian. Indeed, the Hindraf revolution popularized the Makkal Sakhti that means “People Power” in Tamil.

For full article in Journal of Politics and Law. Vol. 1(3): 84 – 101, see